
Extra Power mini detacher №2 – 16000Gs NEOTAG

Cost: $75 or €70

Magnetic force: 16000gs
Dimensions: 42mm diameter; 21mm height
Weight: 210g

the ring installed, this detacher opens most sensors with a reinforced mechanism just like Detacher No. 1.

When the additional ring is installed, it opens modern NEOTAG sensors with a unique double lock, which are actively spreading in Russia and Europe.
In Russia, these sensors are implemented in ADIDAS and REEBOK stores.
No Chinese detacher is capable of opening NEOTAG sensors
Original detachers are not found in open sale.


Unlike modification No. 1, this detacher's power is increased, making it a fully functional analog of a super-enhanced store detacher.

For more details, read the section "differences between detachers and sensors"

Detachable ring for NEOTAG type sensors included for free!





Demonstration of opening protective box cases:



If you order this product in the RF or RB, plastic tags are included in the package with the detacher for faster in-store use.


Thanks to the special configuration, our detacher can open NEOTAG sensors, which, according to the manufacturer's claims, can only be opened with an original $300 detacher!


ATTENTION! Since June 2017, a magnetic ring has been added to Detacher No. 2, allowing easy opening of NEOTAG sensors.
The ring is needed only for opening these sensors due to the peculiarities of their lock mechanism. Detacher No. 2 does not open other sensors when the ring is installed.
To open regular anti-theft sensors, remove the ring and place it on the back of the detacher as shown in the video, or simply store it away from the detacher.

The ring is magnetic and therefore VERY fragile!

Carefully watch the video and gently remove and reinstall the ring. Many customers have experienced breakages due to inattention to this detail.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


The separate cost of the ring is $15. 



For reference:

Magnetic type detachers (1-2-3) do not open SuperTag sensors.

The mechanisms of these sensors are fundamentally different and can only be opened using a special hook:



This is what SuperTag sensors look like: