
the new Sensormatic InFuzion tag or "how they fucked through the hole again."


In a nutshell... Sensormatic took the concept of not having to use separate needles to fix the product, mainly with clothing in mind. 

Inside there is a mechanical diagram of a needle blocking pin on the side of the needle and a metal anchor block on the side that is pulled by a powerful magnetic puller, a very powerful detacher is really needed.

The pin is retracted by a magnet, the fixing end of the pin is shifted and the needle comes out under the pressure of the spring, releasing the goods.




What we can do: just move this pin physically and we are happy exactly in the place where it is easiest to catch and move it, the manufacturer has made a convenient recess so that you definitely do not miss.
Just pierce the plastic (after all, in this place it is the least ;) with something thin, hard, sharp (an awl, a thin flat screwdriver) and make a small movement with the tool to displace the pin inside, the goods are released.




official video:



official site:



detailed official description:



The Sensormatic InFuzion Magnetic Tag combines ease of use and merchandise protection into a secure, one-piece system. This defeat-resistant tag is designed to provide operational savings while freeing associates to spend more time assisting customers. InFuzion features an integrated pin that reduces the application process from two steps to one. This allows retailers to spend less time tagging in-store and easily remove the tag at the point-of-sale to help see significant labor savings and improve front-end checkout efficiencies. Plus, the integrated pin design helps eliminate the cost of replacing lost or broken pins.


How does this sensor open up to our  detacher №3:




!!! How this sensor is opened with a thin awl or screwdriver in a few seconds: